Additional Services

Great Advantages of Using Our Professional Additional Services

Progressive Delivery

A progressive delivery option is implemented to administer very long and challenging works, double-spaced 20+ pages and single-spaced 10+ pages projects in particular.

Why this service is beneficial:

  • As we deliver papers to our customers for approval in drafts* before the appointed deadline, they can control the course of writing.
  • A period of a free revision is 30 days (regular revision is 2 days only)
  • Your piece of writing will be accomplished by the most qualified writer and editor.
  • Proper assignment completion as well as effective communication between the client and our specialist will be administered by a personal manager.

We provide drafts in the way described below*:

  • assignments to be done in 4 or less days – the agency delivers one draft within 50% of the stated time frame (for example, if the deadline is 4 days, a draft will be released in 2 days) in the volume of 25% of the whole work (e.g., a draft will include 7 pages if the project has 28 pages);
  • assignments to be done in 5-11 days – the company delivers two drafts in 25% and 50% of the indicated time span in the form of 25% and 50% of the entire project  accordingly;
  • assignments to be done in 12 or more days – the agency delivers three drafts in 25%, 50% and 75% of the deadline in the amount of 25%, 50% and 75% of the complete work respectively.

Additional 15% to the total assignment price is what should be paid.

* The agency is always ready to set an exclusive procedure of delivering the ordered papers to satisfy specific needs of every customer. If you desire your project to be sent in a unique way, address a personal manager to discuss the details.

Optional Services for Orders Containing less than 20 Pages

Summary of Your Paper

You can receive your work briefly outlined on 1 page if you avail our additional services. Referring to this specific option is very beneficial for the customers obliged to summarize the key ideas of the paper.

Draft of Your Work

Avail this option and you will be provided with a draft of your work written in one page (300 words – double-spaced pieces, 600 words – single-spaced pieces) after 50% of the work deadline expired. For example, a draft will be granted in 8 days if the urgency is 16 days.

Extended Revision

The period of a free revision provided by our company is 2 days after deadline expiration. However, according to the extended revision, this time frame can be extended to 14 days!